What should be paid attention to when driving in winter

2020-06-27  source: Laizhou Yiante Auto Parts Co., Ltd

As the weather is getting colder, the smell of winter is becoming more and more strong, and heavy fog, frost and even snow are also coming. You should be more careful when driving in the cold winter. You should pay attention to the following points:

It's necessary to warm up in winter

It's cold. Many experienced car owners know it's time to warm up. However, for hot cars, some people say it's unnecessary. They think that 3-5 minutes of hot cars in situ will not only cost fuel, but also have a bad effect. As long as you drive at a low speed for a long distance, it's OK.

It's not right. It's necessary to warm up in situ. Because of the low temperature in winter, the engine is not easy to reach the normal temperature, and the viscosity of the lubricating oil will increase, and the lubricating effect will be reduced, so the idle speed will rise to more than 1000 rpm when starting. When the idle speed drops to the normal speed, the hot car is enough, generally 3-5 minutes. If it's too late to warm up in case of emergency, keep the speed low and the engine speed at about 2000 rpm after driving. After the engine sounds normal for a certain distance, you can drive normally.

The middle lane is the safest way to drive in two foggy days

When driving in the cold winter fog, the speed must be controlled. If it's too fast, you can't react to the road conditions ahead, but you can't be too slow, or you will be in danger of being chased by the rear car. If the fog is too heavy, the best way is to drive the car to a safe area, open double flash parking, and then go on the road when the fog disappears. In addition to speed, fog lighting and speakers are also important. Some drivers use the high beam when they turn on the fog light because of the low visibility when driving in the fog, so the effect is not good. Because the light of the high beam lamp is on the up side, the light emitted will be reflected by the fog and form a white area in front of the car, but nothing can be seen. In addition, if your vision is poor in foggy days, honking your horn frequently can help you to warn pedestrians and vehicles. When you hear the honking of other vehicles, you should honk your horn immediately to let them know the location of your vehicles. In the heavy fog, we should try our best to make use of the remaining vision and keep a close eye on the lane dividing line, but we must pay attention not to crush the line, otherwise it will be very dangerous when we meet; at the same time, we can not drive along the side of the road, because people who temporarily stop at the side of the road and wait for the fog to disperse are also important hidden dangers of driving safety, so the trick of driving in the fog is to walk in the middle.

Do not park in the water on snowy days

Due to the change of temperature difference between day and night, the car body often freezes after parking for one night, so ice is the biggest "enemy" of parking in snowy days. If the car is parked outside in snowy days, it can't be parked in places with accumulated water, because when parking in these places, the accumulated water will freeze again in the evening, freeze the tire together with the road surface, and when starting the car, the tire tread will deform, or even tear the tire directly. In addition, it is better not to pull the handbrake when parking in the open air on a snowy night. This is because a large amount of water will be left inside the brake disc and caliper after the vehicle is driven on a wet and slippery road. If you pull the handbrake after parking, it may freeze, resulting in the inability to move or damage the brake system when starting the vehicle the next day. In order to prevent the vehicle from moving, the manual model can be put into the forward or reverse gear, the automatic model can be put into the parking gear, and the stone or wooden wedge can be placed on the diagonal two tires.

Park in five snow days. Don't park under trees in the open

Due to the thick snow on the tree, ice or ice will be formed after day and night temperature changes. Once the branches shake, they will fall, causing damage to the car paint and skylight. In addition, the wiper should be lifted after the snowy day stops, because after the cold night, the contact surface between the glass and the wiper will be frozen and frozen firmly, and opening the wiper in the morning will tear the rubber on the surface of the wiper, or even damage the wiper motor.

6. Dry towel on the window after parking

It is also self-evident that the windows and lights are easy to be damaged in snowy days. The windows will be covered with ice and snow after snowy parking. Therefore, a large dry towel should be found after parking to cover the glass. Both sides should be clamped when the door is closed. The next day, just take the towel and shake off the snow on the top. In addition, the protection of headlights is also very important. After driving in snowy days, the hot bulb will melt the snow outside the lampshade, but it is easy to freeze again to form ice after parking, which not only affects the lighting effect, but also may freeze the lampshade. Therefore, after parking and turning off the lights, wipe off the accumulated water on the lampshade surface with a towel. As long as the snow on the lampshade surface is swept off the next day, it can be protected Guard the lights.

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