How often does the brake disc change?

2020-06-27  source: Laizhou Yiante Auto Parts Co., Ltd

We know that in addition to the engine, there are other important parts of the car, such as the transmission, transmission shaft and brake system. In the braking system, braking is a direct manifestation. If a car's braking fails, what will be the consequences? Many car owners may know that life may even be in danger under serious circumstances. How long or how many kilometers is it better to change the brake disc? Some novice drivers may not know.

In the brake system, the core thing is the brake. The brake is divided into disc brake, drum brake, ceramic disc brake and so on. Here we will explain the common disc brake. The core of the disc brake is the brake disc and the brake pad. Every operation of the driver requires the combination of the various parts of the car. Since it is a mechanical part, it may be constantly worn during the driving process. When the car owner steps on the foot brake, the brake pads are controlled and then clamped. After a long time, the discs and pads will be erased slowly. In serious cases, they may even break, which may affect the braking effect, or even lead to failure of braking. In this case, life may be directly endangered.

When is the time to change the brake disc? The ordinary steel brake disc is generally used in household cars. Under normal circumstances, it is better to change the brake disc when the driving mileage reaches 60000-70000 km. The specific time should be determined according to the driver's driving habits, driving occasions, driving times and other factors. Here are a few tips to judge whether the brake pads need to be replaced. The first one is to pay attention to the brake discs after the brake pads are replaced 2-3 times, because they are relatively worn. The second is to listen to the sound. When braking, if you hear the sound of "sprinkling", the owner may want to see if the brake disc needs to be replaced. The third skill is to check whether there are grooves and pits on the brake disc, and then measure them randomly. If the depth reaches about 1.5mm, the car owner may go to the repair shop or 4S shop to check the brake disc.

The quality of the brake disc may directly affect the safety of the driver. We call on everyone to pay attention to the replacement, regular maintenance and regular inspection of the brake disc. After reading this article, some new drivers said they regretted not knowing it.

Laizhou Yiante Auto Parts Co., Ltd, Brake disc Brake drum TEL:


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